Electricity for students - save in basic fees

An electricity contract for a student is usually one of the cheapest on the market.

Student life is often full of challenges: a tight budget, the stress of exam periods. If you add a high electricity bill to the mix - a high stress state is guaranteed! Listed are the best contract types for students and tips on how to save on your electricity bill.

Where can I find the cheapest electricity contract for a student?

The cheapest electricity contract for a student can be found most easily in the price comparison.


Fortum Student Electricity

Monthly fixed price: 2,25€ 4,50€
Contract type: until further notice

As a student, you get a 50% discount on the basic monthly fee
0,45snt / kWh + Spot

Why should a student in particular pay attention to the electricity contract?

As a student, many aspects of life can seem new and challenging. One of these is practical matters related to home management, such as the electricity contract. But why exactly is the electricity contract so important?

1. Budget management: Student life is notoriously tight with the budget. The right kind of electricity contract can make a big difference in your monthly expenses, allowing you to save money for other things, such as study materials or, say, the occasional movie night with friends.

2. Environmental friendliness: The 90s are far in the past and many students nowadays are aware and care about environmental issues. With few exceptions, we all want to make ecological choices. In the electricity contract, you can choose an environmentally friendly option, such as electricity based on wind power or solar energy.

3. Flexibility: Your life situation can change quickly - you change apartments, move in with your partner or go on exchange abroad. A flexible electricity contract can make life easier in situations of change.

4. Independence: Acquiring and managing your own electricity contract is a step towards a more independent adulthood. It also gives you a better understanding of how you consume energy and how you can influence your own electricity bill.

Comparison of different electricity contract types: Pros and cons

When you start searching for an electricity deal, you may come across a lot of confusing terms and electricity deals. Here are the most common types of electricity contracts, their benefits and challenges - from the student's point of view.

Fixed-term electricity contract: The student's safe choice

  • Special prices and discounts are often available for new customers. A certain time when the price is locked and does not change
  • If you want to switch mid-term, there can be expensive termination fees

Agreement valid for the time being: Flexibility for student life

  • No commitment period, so you can change the contract whenever you want. Handy if you're not sure how long you'll be living
  • Prices may vary and rise unexpectedly

Spot contract: An exciting option for students

  • The price is determined by the electricity exchange, so the contract and the use of electricity can become very affordable in certain market situations
  • The price can vary a lot, and budgeting can be challenging. Not necessarily the best choice if you want certainty about your electricity bill

Fixed price contract: Clear and simple

  • The price remains the same throughout the contract period. Easy to budget, no surprises
  • You may pay a little more than other contracts, but you get stability in return

Choosing electricity contracts always involves compromises. As a student, it is important for you to think about your own budget, the duration of your stay and your ability to take risks. Take the time to compare so you can find a good electricity contract for yourself.

Student housing and electricity contracts

Student housing is often different from other housing. Apartment sizes are often smaller, cell living is common, and the variability in places of residence can be large. So what do these special features mean from the point of view of the electricity bill?

Small living spaces = lower electricity bills? 

The size of the student dorm is often very limited (I myself remember my hatch resembling a ship's cabin), but a smaller surface area does not always automatically mean a lower electricity bill. In small spaces, heat can escape quickly, and in older buildings the insulation may be insufficient.

Cellular living and electricity consumption 

When you share an apartment with others, dividing the electricity bill equally can be a challenge. Is someone always forgetting to turn on the lights or does your friend have marathon sessions in the shower?

Tip: Agree on the rules about electricity consumption with your roommates and consider getting an energy consumption meter. It can help to understand where the biggest expenses come from.

The variability of student life 

Studying is a phase of life where changes are common. Do you change apartments often or do you go abroad as an exchange student? In this case, a flexible electricity contract can be worth its weight in gold.

Tip: If you know you'll be moving soon, choose an open-ended contract that doesn't bind you for a long time.

The special features of student housing affect your electricity bill in many ways. Identify your own consumption habits and the special features of your home, so that you can make smart choices with regard to the electricity contract and electricity use.

Electricity contract for a cell apartment

Living in a cell is familiar to many students and convenient in many ways: affordable rent, ready-made rooms and often a location close to the educational institution. But when it comes to the electricity contract in a mobile home, the situation can get complicated. Let's go through what needs to be taken into account and how to avoid headaches (related to electricity contracts) during cell living.

Who is responsible for the electricity contract? The first and most important question: Who makes the electricity contract? In some cases, the building company takes care of the electricity contract and it is included in the rent. In other cases, one of the cell residents makes a contract and the bill is shared among the residents. Know your situation and make sure that all roommates are aware and commit to the agreed division.

Consumption monitoring When you live with others under the same roof, electricity consumption habits can vary. As mentioned, one might spend an hour in the shower while the other enjoys long Netflix marathons. Housing and bill payment must be fair. 

Memo list for shared living:

  • ✅ Find out who will be responsible: Who signs the electricity contract?
  • ✅ Share expenses fairly: Agree on clear game rules for splitting the electricity bill.
  • ✅ Track consumption: Find out what causes the biggest electricity consumption spikes.
  • ✅ Choose the right contract: Think about whether you need flexibility or stability.

Living in a shared apartment is a special situation in its own way, which requires special attention also with regard to the electricity contract. Make sure your roommates are on the same page as you and that the electricity contract serves everyone's best interests.

We break down the electricity contract myths 

When it comes to electricity contracts, the internet and coffee table conversations are full of arguments and advice that may or may not be justified. Let's take a look at some common electricity contract myths and find out which ones are true and which ones aren't.

Myth 1: Exchange electricity contract is always the cheapest option.
Truth: The price of exchange electricity is based on the price of the electricity exchange, which can vary greatly. Although it can be cheap in certain situations, it can be expensive at other times. The important thing is to watch the market and understand when to make a deal.

Myth 2: Fixed-term electricity contracts are always more expensive than continuous contracts.
Truth: Not necessarily. In fixed-term contracts, the price is often locked at a certain level, which can protect against price increases.

Myth 3: Green electricity is automatically more expensive.
Truth: Although green electricity may have been more expensive to produce initially, prices have come down as technology has improved. Nowadays, it is possible to find reasonably priced green electricity contracts.

Myth 4: Changing an electricity contract is complicated and time-consuming.
Truth: Today, changing an electricity contract is simple and can often be done online in a few minutes.

Electricity saving tips for students

Who wouldn't want to save money and do good for the environment at the same time? Here are easy (and affordable) ways to keep your electricity bill under control and your carbon footprint smaller!

🌡️ 1. Just the right temperature
For each degree of temperature you can save 5% in heating costs! So, let your room cool down a bit and grab those woolen socks.

💡 2. Light wisely
LED lamps cost a little more at first, but in the long run you save money and energy. When you leave the room, turn off the lights!

📺 3. Holidays for electronics
Make sure that the television, player or other devices do not remain in standby mode. Turn them off when not in use!

🧺 4. Full loads of laundry
This may be obvious to many, but wait until you have a full load of laundry before washing.

🍳 5. Shared cooking
In a cell apartment or in a shared apartment? Invite your roommates to cook together. It saves electricity and can make food tastier (especially if you get to live with exchange students!)

💧 6. Water away from the drain
Take quick washes in the showers and turn off the water tap while brushing your teeth. Nature and your wallet will thank you!

7. Ventilate smartly
Instead of keeping the windows open all the time, make an efficient cross draft. This way you change the air quickly and keep the heat.

Saving is wisdom, and energy saving is both wise and ecological. These tips will help you stay on budget and enjoy student life without the stress of a utility bill!


I am a minor, can I sign an electricity contract?

Minors cannot sign an electricity contract themselves, but the minor's guardian always signs the electricity contract. After you turn 18, you can sign an electricity contract normally, or transfer the electricity contract to your name.

At what point should the student conclude an electricity contract?

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