Electricity Calculator - Estimate Your Electricity Bill Price

Our electricity calculator takes into account the electricity company's margin, spot price, electricity transfer price and the electricity company's monthly basic payment.
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Electricity price calculator

Using the electric calculator is very easy. Just enter the estimated annual electricity consumption (kWh) and the electricity calculator will calculate the electricity price for you. The electricity calculator helps you make informed choices when comparing electricity companies and monitoring the electricity price. pörssisähkön hinnan seurannassa.

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Electricity calculator - Disclaimer

Please note that the electricity consumption estimates calculated by the electricity calculator are only indicative averages. The actual consumption is influenced by your own consumption habits, the building technology used in your apartment and household appliances. The actual electricity transfer price is locality-specific.

With the electricity calculator, you can find the best electricity contracts

With the electricity calculator, you can easily compare the prices of different electricity contracts and find the cheapest electricity contract for yourself the cheapest electricity contract. The electricity calculator takes into account your electricity consumption and shows you the cost of contracts offered by different electricity suppliers.

You can compare different options based on their prices, contract terms and possible benefits. This way you can find an affordable electricity contract for yourself and save money on your electricity bills at the same time. Are you looking for the cheapest fixed term electricity contract or perhaps a spot price contract? At our site, there is a contract to everyone's preference, electricity for businesses and consumers!

kWh to euros — kWh price calculator

An electricity calculator will help you calculate your electricity consumption, which you can use to convert the kilowatt hours you use into clear figures in euros. It is your responsibility to pay attention to the price of different electricity contracts when you compare them.

We have listed all the most reliable electricity companies in Finland, so that it would be as easy as possible for you to find a new electricity contract. If you use a lot of electricity, to save money you can check on our website where you can get the cheapest electricity at the moment and also find the best tips for saving electricity.


How to calculate the kWh price?

The price of electricity consumption (kWh) is calculated by multiplying the consumption and the price per kilowatt hour.

As an example: Using one 40-watt light bulb for 24 hours consumes (40 / 1000) * 24) = 0.96kWh. When the price of electricity is 15 cents per kWh, the euro value of 0.96kWh is 0.144EUR.

What is the difference between kilowatt hour and kilowatt?

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