Electricity price forecast for the coming months

Electricity futures are investment instruments used on the electricity exchange, which enable the price of electricity to be determined for electricity produced in the future.

The price information of the futures we list is based on NASDAQ Commodities exchange data and they also include the mandatory 24% value added tax in Finland.

What does the electricity price forecast for the coming months look like?

Below is the electricity price forecast for the coming months. Futures prices are indicated in kilowatt hours (kWh).

As a consumer of spot price electricity, it is easiest to follow short-term electricity price changes in the joint Nordic Nord Pool electricity exchange.

In order to make fixed-price electricity contracts possible, the market trades electricity with derivatives called futures. Power companies and other traders trade futures on the NASDAQ Commodities exchange, where spot prices are priced averaged monthly, quarterly and annually.

Electricity price forecast 2024 (kWh)

However, the The price of electricity is practically formed by the influence of several variables. The spot price, i.e. more popularly the price of electricity on the exchange, is affected above all by demand and supply. The cheapest electricity price on the stock exchange is often based on low demand for electricity, or widely available electricity produced with low production costs from renewable energy, such as hydropower or wind power.

Talvella koko Suomen sähkönkulutus on suurta pakkasista johtuen. Tällöin kuluttajien kohonnutta sähkönkysyntää paikkaa kuitenkin tuulivoima, jota tuotetaan keskimäärin enemmän juuri talvikuukausina (lähde: Fingrid tuulivoiman tuotanto).

Sähkön spot-hinta ei ole Pohjoismaissa identtinen. Tämä johtuu siitä, että sähkönsiirto vaikuttaa alueelliseen spot-hintaan. 

Where, for example, Sweden and Norway have several electricity price ranges due to their weaker electricity transmission network, there is only one in Finland, which is known for its strong transmission network. 

Electricity price forecast - Would you like to know more? 

Many electricity companies publish information on the electricity market situation on their websites. A good example is, for example, Fortum, whose market review provides comprehensive, easily digestible information.

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