Electricity contract for business - Find the cheapest business electricity

An electricity contract for a company is usually cheaper than a consumer contract, due to possible wholesale electricity pricing and reduced value added tax.

In our quick comparison, you will find the cheapest electricity contract for your company.
Electricity contracts for companies
Tips for company electricity management
Fast and easy business electricity comparison

Where can I find the cheapest business electricity?

The cheapest business electricity is most easily found in the price comparison. When choosing a contract, the company's size and energy needs should be taken into account.

Contract type
Fortum Yritys Varma 24-36kk
Contract type
Fortum offers customized business electricity contracts according to the company's needs, so that energy costs remain competitive.

At Fortum, you can also find the "Business Assistant" service to help you connect the contract.
Customer service is friendly and knowledgeable. Fortum also has a versatile energy consulting service that helps companies optimize energy use.

Fortum produces electricity mainly with hydro, nuclear and solar power. Environmental friendliness is one of the company's core values.
Väre Yrityssähkö 24kk
Contract type
Väre invests in innovative solutions and strives to meet the various electricity needs of companies.

If your company or housing association consumes less than 250,000 kWh per year, you can easily make an electricity contract online.
Customer service by phone, e-mail and online. Väre has received praise for its friendly and professional customer service.

Pricing is open and transparent.

What distinguishes business electricity from consumer electricity?

Business electricity differs from household electricity in many ways.

  • The most visible difference is usually the electricity price. Business contracts often look more affordable compared to consumer electricity contracts, as VAT has been deducted from the price of business contracts.
  • Business electricity contracts are generally longer than consumer electricity contracts.
  • The company's electricity is more flexible than consumer electricity contracts. Businesses can negotiate contract terms and pricing with the utility to better suit their specific needs.
  • Various additional services are available in business electricity contracts, such as energy management and reporting, which help companies optimize their energy consumption and costs.

The company should carefully compare the offers of different electricity companies and consider their suitability for their own special needs and goals.

Business electricity contract - what options are available?

The choice of a company's electricity contract is influenced by several factors, such as the company's size, industry, and electricity consumption. The company's electricity contracts are usually fixed-term or indefinite.

A fixed-term contract is usually cheaper and offers predictability, but its terms are stricter and inflexible.

Agreement valid for the time being offers more flexibility, but the price may vary depending on the market situation.

Fixed electricity price guarantees that you pay the same price for electricity throughout the contract period. This is a good option if you want to protect yourself from rising electricity prices.

Exchange price means that you pay for electricity according to the market price. This form of contract is flexible, but it can be risky, as the price of electricity can vary significantly. You can find The most affordable exchange electricity by comparing.

A hybrid contract is a combination of a fixed price and an exchange price that offers a balance between predictability and flexibility.

Of course, green energy is also one of the options if there is an ecological option in the search.

The cheapest electricity contract for business

The cheapest electricity contract for a company at the moment is Fortum Yritys Varma.

Fixed-price electricity contract should be chosen if your company's electricity consumption is small and electricity consumption occurs in the middle of the day and in the evenings. Spot price electricity contract is again suitable for companies where production machinery or other equipment that consumes a lot of electricity can be used at night.


Fortum Yritys Varma

Fortum tailors prices for companies and offers a wide variety of contract options throughout Finland. A cheap electricity contract can save your company up to thousands of euros.

How to conclude an electricity contract in the name of the company?

An electricity contract in the name of the company is easily done. Here's how it works:

1. Compare offers: The first step is to research different electricity offers. Compare prices, contract terms, services and the origin of electricity. Check if the company offers additional services, such as energy advice or energy consumption monitoring.

2. Choose a suitable contract: Think about the needs of your company. What is your company's electricity consumption? What is your budget? Is your company ready to take the risk of fluctuating electricity prices, or would a fixed price contract be better?

3. Contact the electricity company: Once you have chosen a suitable electricity company, contact them and ask for an electricity quote. Usually, this can be done by phone, email or through the company's website.

4. Prepare the necessary information: When you conclude an electricity contract in the name of a company, you need the following information: company name, social security number, billing address, address of the place where electricity is used and estimated annual electricity consumption.

5. Sign the contract: Once you have reviewed the terms of the contract and are satisfied with them, you can sign the contract. Often this can be done digitally.

6. Entry into force of the agreement: Once the agreement has been signed, the electricity company takes care of the practical arrangements, such as the start of electricity sales. Don't forget to cancel your current electricity contract if necessary. Check the terms of the contract for the notice period and any fees related to notice.

Remember that even though the electricity contract has been concluded in the name of the company, you should monitor the price and consumption of electricity regularly. This way you can make sure that the contract is still suitable for your company.

The company's electricity consumption - tips for managing it

Housing companies: Smart electricity management

  1. Map the energy consumption and consider joint procurement.
  2. Research the use of renewable energy.
  3. Find out the possibilities of a smart electricity grid or energy management system.

Car maintenance companies: Special solutions and efficiency

  1. Invest in electric vehicle maintenance and charging services.
  2. Optimizes the energy efficiency of lighting and ventilation.
  3. Choose a flexible electricity contract.

Offices: Energy saving for everyday life

  1. Favor energy-efficient lighting and equipment.
  2. Monitor energy consumption and target saving measures.
  3. Take advantage of energy services aimed at companies.

Construction industry: Sustainable energy at the construction site

  1. Pay attention to energy efficiency in building materials and processes.
  2. Use renewable energy, such as solar panels or wind power.
  3. Choose energy-efficient machines and systems.

Industry: Innovative efficiency

  1. Optimize energy costs with the help of pricing models.
  2. Implement an energy management system.
  3. Commit to the principles of the circular economy.


How to make an electricity contract in the name of the company?

Use our comparison service, enter the company ID number and billing address. Negotiate contract terms and prices.

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Finland's Best Electricity Contracts Comparison Site - Nothing More Than That.

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